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Home Insurance In Case of an Earthquake

Protecting yourself and your family
Be sure that all family members know how to turn off utilities (gas, water and electricity) in an emergency.
Make sure every family member knows where safe spots are in each room, such as under sturdy tables or desks or in strong doorways.
Identify danger zones in each room, such as windows, bookshelves and furniture, that may fall over and cause injuries.

Protecting your property
Check to see that your house has been properly "tied" to the foundation. Extensive damage is often done to homes that shift and slide on the foundation during an earthquake. A contractor can advise you about this and suggest whether lateral bracing of the house walls is necessary.
Be sure that water heaters and other gas appliances are properly bolted down or supported on the floor or wall.
Put the heavier, breakable items on lower shelves.
Search the ceiling and foundation for deep plaster cracks. Make the necessary repairs if there are signs of structural defects.
Make an inventory of your possessions and store it off the premises. If your belongings are damaged, this list will help facilitate the claim filing process.


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