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Allianz X takes majority stake in GT Motive

Transaction expands the global reach of insurtech from Insurance Business

Paul Lynam talks about M&A approach following Cornerstone swoop

Acquired business says deal a 'no-brainer' from Insurance Business

Gallagher: The “devil is always in the detail” in commercial property fire claims

Broker's case study highlights the importance of causation from Insurance Business

Wotton + Kearney, Liberty Specialty Markets to host Dive In event

It will involve leaders who have “shaped meaningful change through D&I action” from Insurance Business

Willis Towers Watson launches new version of strategic asset allocation software

Cloud-based application helps insurers find “optimal weightings” from Insurance Business

ARPC welcomes new board member

Chair says new member’s “deep insurance and public sector experience” will be an asset from Insurance Business

Liberty GTS delivers M&A claims report

COVID has fundamentally shaken up M&A risk landscape, it suggests from Insurance Business