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Sompo International announces partnership with insurtech

Deal will increase availability of drone insurance from Insurance Business

Arch Capital Group outlines expected Q4 catastrophe losses

“Significant uncertainties” impact claims numbers from Insurance Business

What's the best source of referrals in this era?

MD shares his thoughts on structured referral partnerships from Insurance Business

New pet insurance underwriting agency lifts the lid on rollout

Overseas tech partner also sheds light on pandemic’s impact from Insurance Business

PERILS reveals final insured loss for January 2020 hailstorms

The hailstorms devastated ACT, NSW, Queensland, and Victoria from Insurance Business

TAL launches virtual FASEA exam masterclasses

They are available in the insurer's adviser education programme from Insurance Business

Kaplan launches free FASEA exam preparation support

They will provide educational materials for advisers who are yet to pass the exam from Insurance Business